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Case Study
NuVasive streamlined literature reviews for more efficient CER submissions with DistillerSR.

Xcenda, Maple Health Group and Curta discuss how automating literature reviews helps streamline HTAs submissions.

Findings indicate that organizations who invest in literature review software are more confident in their regulatory submissions.
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Case Studies

Boston Scientific
Boston Scientific Accelerated Regulatory Submissions by Transforming Literature Review Processes With DistillerSR

Stryker improves literature evidence management efficiency by 70% with DistillerSR.

Maple Health Group
DistillerSR enabled Maple Health Group to improve efficiency and optimize resource allocation.

Congress of Neurological Surgeons
The Congress of Neurological Surgeons achieved fourfold efficiency for clinical guideline development with DistillerSR.

Abbott Diagnostics
DistillerSR enabled the Abbott Diagnostics team to complete literature reviews 50% faster.

Case Study
The leading provider of commercialization services to the life sciences industry achieved faster and smarter systematic reviews.

NuVasive streamlined literature reviews for more efficient CER submissions with DistillerSR.

Geistlich Pharma
Geistlich Pharma completes literature review screening 85% faster than manual methods using DistillerSR.
Philips achieves faster, more accurate literature reviews for CER submissions with DistillerSR.

University of Florida
Learn how DistillerSR enables the University of Florida to screen more than 60,000 references and makes life for its research team a lot easier.

Case Study
Dr. Bonnie H. Weiner describes the way DistillerSR reduced the time it took to complete CER literature reviews by approximately 30%.

With as many as 40,000 references per project, Medlior, used DistillerSR to more accurately and efficiently manage their literature reviews.

University of Guelph
Learn how Ontario Veterinary College at the University of Guelph reduced the screening burden in one project by 7,000 references with DistillerSR.

Health Agency
Learn how this Health Agency used AI to reduce COVID-19 citation screening and data extraction by 50%.

Case Study
DistillerSR enabled faster, more efficient literature reviews, while improving collaboration amongst a distributed global workforce of medical writers.

SOTA Webinar Recap
NuVasive and Geistlich Pharma Share Best Practices for EU MDR SOTA Submissions While Achieving More Efficient Literature Reviews with DistillerSR.

HTA Webinar Recap
Xcenda, Maple Health Group and Curta discuss how automating literature reviews helps streamline HTAs submissions.

PMS Webinar Recap
Johnson & Johnson and Philips on their journey to streamline post-market surveillance literature reviews for EU MDR/IVDR submissions.

Dual Screening in Your Systematic Review: Is it Worth the Time?
New evidence reinforces the value of dual screening, and why you need a process to mitigate the risk of using only one screener.

MedTech Summit 2021 Recap
How DistillerSR has empowered market leaders Philips and Alcon to achieve faster and more accurate literature reviews for CER submissions.

Interviewing the Lead Author of the Updated PRISMA 2020 Statement
Learn more about the PRISMA update with Matt Page, lead author on the PRISMA 2020 Statement.
Can GenAI for Literature Reviews Ever Be Trusted? A Pragmatic Approach That’s Ethically Designed and Purpose-built for HEOR Professionals
Data Harmonization Driving Trusted Evidence Management Throughout the Product Lifecycle
Leveraging Data Reuse for Faster Insights, Time to Market, and Healthcare Innovation
Linkedin Live
Literature Surveillance Best Practices for Pharmacovigilance with ICON and Oracle
Automation and Literature Review Software Adoption Driving Confident IVDR Regulatory Submissions
Leveraging Data Reuse for More Efficient Evidence Management Throughout the Medical Device Lifecycle
Linkedin Live
What the EU MDR Compliance Extension Really means to Medical Device/IVD Manufacturers
Stay Ahead Of The Game: How To Conduct An Evidence-Based GVD Faster And Smarter To Improve Market Access
Automation and Literature Review Software Adoption Driving More Confident Regulatory Submissions
MedTech Summit US 2022 Roundtable: Best Practices for Streamlining Literature Reviews for Post-Market Surveillance (PMS)
Literature Review Strategies & Best Practices While Establishing State of the Art for EU MDR Compliance
Streamlining Health Technology Assessments (HTAs) by Automating Literature Reviews
Literature Review Strategies for Post-Market Surveillance – A Best Practices Webinar
How Literature Review Automation and Efficient Processes Streamline RWE HEOR Studies
Can Literature Review Automation Improve Healthcare Cost-Effectiveness Analysis and Budget Impact Modeling Outcomes?
Are You Reg. Ready? Getting Your Medical Affairs Team Primed to Manage New Regulatory Requirements
Best Practices For Building An Efficient Literature Review Process

5 Best Practices for Optimizing Your Systematic Reviews
Five best practices for screening and data extraction that help make the systematic review process faster, easier, and more accurate.

Buyer’s Guide to Systematic Review Software
Everything you need to know to evaluate systematic review software for your next project. Includes a checklist.

Buyer’s Guide to Literature Review Software
Information to help you evaluate literature review software for CERs and pharmacovigilance. Includes a checklist.

Ultimate Guide
Everything you always wanted to know about Systematic Literature Reviews can be found in this Ultimate Guide.

Purpose-built GenAI for Literature Reviews
Learn how reviewers can focus on high-value work, reduce fatigue, and meet the rising demand for faster, more accurate reviews.

Future-Proofing Evidence for Better Patient Outcomes
Product data, be it from preclinical development, bench testing, clinical studies, real-world evidence (RWE), or scientific literature reviews…

Enterprise Evidence Management for Trusted Healthcare Decision Making
Discover how an enterprise evidence management strategy can lead to product success and better patient outcomes.

The Case for AI in Systematic Reviews
Learn how using AI can dramatically reduce your screening burden and produce faster, more accurate literature reviews.
State of the Art
Gain an understanding of the meaning of “state of the art” and learn how to establish sound methods to identify and select pertinent literature.

Hierarchical Data Extraction
Understand common approaches to handling repeating data sets and explores an efficient method to deal with recurring, hierarchical data sets.

Literature Review Best Practices Accelerate EU-MDR Post-Market Surveillance (PMS)
Best-practices that can help streamline processes and ensure compliant EU-MDR literature reviews.

How Literature Review Automation Improves CER and PER Program Management
Automated literature reviews provide greater levels of auditability and program management to CER and PER submissions.

The Role of Literature Reviews in Establishing State of the Art (SOTA) for EU MDR Compliance
Automation can greatly enhance the success of SOTA literature reviews.
Improve Cost-Effectiveness Analysis and Budget Impact Modeling Using Literature Review Automation Software
This business brief outlines a customized SLR solution for health economics and outcomes research.
Real-World Evidence: Using Systematic Literature Reviews for Evidence Synthesis…
A guide for researchers using systematic reviews for RWE study design or RWE literature synthesis.

Information Overload Drives New Approaches to Managing HEOR Literature Reviews
Apply automation and intelligent workflows to HEOR literature reviews to improve health decisions.
Streamlining Health Technology Assessments by Automating Literature Reviews
Automating some of the functions of a review can increase the efficiency and accuracy of HTAs.
Smart Automation of SLRs for GVDs: Faster Market Access for New Drugs
Automating aspects of the SLR can improve its accuracy and efficiency while supporting the development of a…
HEOR & HTA Fact Sheet
Automate and simplify the management of researchers’ systematic collection of secondary data.

Medical Devices Fact Sheet
Used by four of the top five medical device companies in the world, DistillerSR automates the management of CER literature reviews.
Pharmacovigilance Fact Sheet
Three of the top five pharmaceutical companies trust DistillerSR to automate literature triage and ICSR identification processes.
Academic & Students Fact Sheet
DistillerSR’s AI-enabled screening with error checking and deduplication accelerates the screening of large volumes of literature.
Methodological Resources
Risk of Bias in Randomized Trials 1
Framing the question and A Priori Hypotheses
Risk of Bias in Cohort Studies
Risk of Bias in Cohort Studies
Risk of Bias in Case Control Studies
Risk of Bias in Randomized Controlled Trials
DistillerSR Updates

What’s New in DistillerSR: PRISMA 2020
Manage evidence in an easy manner, and automatically generate comprehensive PRISMA 2020 flow diagrams for your projects’ reports.

What’s New in DistillerSR
When it comes to data extraction, assessment, and reporting, the one common challenge that seems to affect all…

Something Exciting on the Horizon: What’s New in DistillerSR
Today’s researcher is burdened with an ever-growing increase in published scientific literature. In addition, they are confronted with tighter deadlines…