DistillerSR: Literature Review Software
Smarter Reviews: Trusted Evidence
Securely automate every stage of your literature review to produce
evidence-based research faster, more accurately, and more
transparently at scale.
Software Built for Every Stage of a Literature Review
DistillerSR automates the management of literature collection, screening, and assessment using AI and intelligent workflows. From a systematic literature review to a rapid review to a living review, DistillerSR makes any project simpler to manage and configure to produce transparent, audit-ready, and compliant results.

Broader, Automated Literature Searches
Search more efficiently with DistillerSR’s integrations with data providers, such as PubMed, automatic review updates, and AI-powered duplicate detection and removal.
Search more efficiently with DistillerSR’s integrations with data providers, such as PubMed, automatic review updates, and AI-powered duplicate detection and removal.
Review Updates
Automatically import newly published references, always keeping literature reviews up-to-date with DistillerSR LitConnect.
Detect and remove duplicate citations preventing skew and bias caused by studies included more than once.
Faster, More Effective Reference Screening
Reduce your screening burden by 60% with DistillerSR. Start working on later stages of your review sooner by finding relevant references faster and addressing conflicts more easily.
Automatically identifies conflicts and disagreements between literature reviewers for easy resolution.
AI Quality
Increase the thoroughness of your literature review by having AI double-check your exclusion decisions and validate your categorization of records with the help of DistillerSR AI Classifiers software module.
Cost-Effective Access to Full-Text Documents
Ensure your literature review is always up-to-date with DistillerSR’s direct connections to full-text data sources, all the while lowering overall subscription costs.
Ensure your review is always up-to-date with DistillerSR’s direct connections to full-text data sources, all the while lowering overall subscription costs.
Open Access
Copyright Compliant
Bulk Search
Retrieve full-text articles for the lowest possible cost through Article Galaxy.
Ad-Hoc Document
Leverage existing RightFind and Article Galaxy subscriptions, the open access Unpaywall plugin, and internal libraries to access copyright compliant documents.
Simple Yet Powerful Data-Extraction
Simplify data extraction through templates and configurable forms. Extract data easily with in-form validations and calculations, and easily capture repeating, complex data sets.
Simplify data extraction through templates and configurable forms. Extract data easily with in-form validations and calculations, and easily capture repeating, complex data sets.
Data Reuse
Prevent duplication of effort across your organization and reduce data extraction times with DistillerSR CuratorCR by easily reusing data across literature reviews.
Complex Output
Easily capture complex data, such as a variable number of time points across multiple studies in an easy-to-understand and ready-to-analyze way.
Cut down on literature review data cleaning, data conversions, and effective measure calculations with input validation and built-in form calculations.
Automatic and Configurable Reporting
Reporting Engine
Build reports and schedule automated email updates to stakeholders. Integrate your data with third-party reporting applications and databases with DistillerSR API.
Automatically keeps track of every entry and decision providing transparency and reproducibility in your literature review.
Easy-to-use Literature Review Project Management
Facilitate project management throughout the literature review process with real-time user and project metric monitoring, reusable configurations, and granular user permissions.
Facilitate project management throughout the review process with real-time user and project metric monitoring, reusable configurations, and granular user permissions.
Real-Time User and
Project Metrics
Monitor teams and literature review progress in real-time, improving management and quality oversight into projects.
Repeatable, Configurable
Secure Literature
Single sign-on (SSO) and fully configurable user roles and permissions simplify the literature reviewer experience while also ensuring data integrity and security.
I can’t think of a way to do reviews faster than with DistillerSR. Being able to monitor progress and collaborate with team members, no matter where they are located makes my life a lot easier.
DistillerSR Case Studies

Boston Scientific
DistillerSR transformed BSCI’s literature review processes by improving efficiency, standardization, and traceability, which resulted in more accurate and consistent regulatory submissions.

Stryker improves literature evidence management efficiency by 70% with DistillerSR.

Maple Health Group
DistillerSR enabled Maple Health group to improve efficiency and optimize resource allocation.
DistillerSR Frequently Asked Questions
What types of reviews can be done with DistillerSR? Systematic reviews, living reviews, rapid reviews, or clinical evaluation report (CER) literature reviews?
Literature reviews can be a very simple or highly complex process, and literature reviews can use a variety of methods for finding, assessing, and presenting evidence. We describe DistillerSR as a literature review software because it supports all types of reviews, from systematic reviews to rapid reviews, and from living reviews to CER literature reviews.
DistillerSR software is used by over 300 customers in many different industries to support their evidence generation initiatives, from guideline development to HEOR analysis to CERs to post-market surveillance (PMS) and pharmacovigilance.
What are some of DistillerSR’s capabilities that support conducting systematic reviews?
Systematic reviews are the gold standard of literature reviews that aim to identify and screen all evidence relating to a specific research question. DistillerSR facilitates systematic reviews through a configurable, transparent, reproducible process that makes it easy to view the provenance of every cell of data.
DistillerSR was originally designed to support systematic reviews. The software handles dual reviewer screening, conflict resolution, capturing exclusion reasons while you work, risk of bias assessments, duplicate detection, multiple database searches, and reporting templates such as PRISMA. DistillerSR can readily scale for systematic reviews of all sizes, supporting more than 700,000 references per project through a robust enterprise-grade technical architecture. Using software like DistillerSR makes conducting systematic reviews easier to manage and configure to produce transparent evidence-based research faster and more accurately.
How does DistillerSR support clinical evaluation reports (CERs) and performance evaluation reports (PERs) program management?
The new European Union Medical Device Regulation (EU-MDR) and In-Vitro Device Regulation (EU-IVDR) require medical device manufacturers to increase the frequency, traceability, and overall documentation for CERs in the MDR program or PERs in the IVDR counterpart. Literature review software is an ideal tool to help you comply with these regulations.
DistillerSR automates literature reviews to enable a more transparent, repeatable, and auditable process, enabling manufacturers to create and implement a standard framework for literature reviews. This framework for conducting literature reviews can then be incorporated into all CER and PER program management plans consistently across every product, division, and research group.
How can DistillerSR help rapid reviews?
DistillerSR AI is ideal to speed up the rapid review process without compromising on quality. The AI-powered screening enables you to find references faster by continuously reordering relevant references, resulting in accelerated screening. The AI can also double-check your exclusion decisions to ensure relevant references are not left out of the rapid review.
DistillerSR title screening functionality enables you to quickly perform title screening on large numbers of references.
Does DistillerSR support living reviews?
The short answer is yes. DistillerSR has multiple capabilities that automate living systematic reviews, such as automatically importing newly published references into your projects and notifying reviewers that there’s screening to do. You can also put reports on an automated schedule so you’re never caught off guard when important new data is collected. These capabilities help ensure the latest research is included in your living systematic review and that your review is up-to-date.
How can DistillerSR help ensure the accuracy of Literature and Systematic reviews?
The quality of systematic reviews is foundational to evidence-based research. However, quality may be compromised because systematic reviews – by their very nature – are often tedious and repetitive, and prone to human error. Tracking all review activity in systematic review software, like DistillerSR, and making it easy to trace the provenance of every cell of data, delivers total transparency and auditability into the systematic review process. DistillerSR enables reviewers to work on the same project simultaneously without the risk of duplicating work or overwriting each other’s results. Configurable workflow filters ensure that the right references are automatically assigned to the right reviewers, and DistillerSR’s cross-project dashboard allows reviewers to monitor to-do lists for all projects from one place.
Why should I add DistillerSR to my Literature and Systematic Review Toolbox and retire my current spreadsheet solution?
It’s estimated that 90% of spreadsheets contain formula errors and approximately 50% have material defects. These errors, coupled with the time and resources necessary to fix them, adversely impact the management of the systematic review process. DistillerSR software was specifically designed to address the challenges faced by systematic review authors, namely the ever-increasing volume of research to screen and extract, review bottlenecks, and regulatory requirements for auditability and transparency, as well as a tool for managing a remote global workforce. Efficiency, consistency, better collaboration, and quality control are just a few of the benefits you’ll get when you choose DistillerSR’s systematic review process over a manual spreadsheet tool for your reviews.
What is the role of AI in your systematic review process?
DistillerSR AI enables the automation of the logistic-heavy tasks involved in conducting a systematic literature review, such as finding references faster using AI to continuously reorder references based on relevance. Continuous AI Reprioritization uses machine learning to learn from the references you are including and excluding and automatically reorder the ones you have left to screen, putting the most pertinent references in front of you first. This means that you find included references much more quickly during the screening process. DistillerSR also uses classifiers, which use NLP to classify and process information in the systematic review. DistillerSR can also increase the thoroughness of your systematic review by having AI double-check your exclusion decisions.
What about the security and scalability of systematic literature reviews done on DistillerSR?
DistillerSR builds security, scalability, and availability into everything we do, so you can focus on producing evidence-based research faster, more accurately, and more securely with our systematic review software. We undergo an annual independent third-party audit and certify our products using the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants SOC 2 framework. In terms of scalability, systematic review projects in DistillerSR can easily handle a large number of references; some of our customers have over 700,000 references in their projects.
Do you offer any commitments on the frequency of new product and capability launches?
We pride ourselves on listening to and working with our customers to regularly introduce new capabilities that improve DistillerSR and the systematic review process. We plan on offering two major releases a year in addition to two minor feature enhancements. We notify customers in advance about upcoming releases, host webinars, develop tools and training to introduce the new capabilities, and provide extensive release notes for our reviewers.
I have a unique literature review protocol. Is your software configurable with my literature review data and process?
Configurability is one of the key foundations of DistillerSR software. In fact, with over 300 customers in many different industries, we have yet to see a literature review protocol that our software couldn’t handle. DistillerSR is a professional B2B SaaS company with an exceptional customer success team that will work with you to understand your unique requirements and systematic review process to get you started quickly. Our global support team is available 24/7 to help you.
Still unsure if DistillerSR will meet your systematic literature review requirements?
Adopting a new software is about more than just money. New software is also about commitment and trusting that the new platform will match your systematic review and scalability needs. We have resources to help you in your analysis and decision: check out the systematic review software checklist or the literature review software checklist.