Citing DistillerSR in Publications and Presentations

by | Jul 20, 2021

Citing DistillerSR in Publications and Presentations

Our clients screen over 50,000 references every day – over 4 million in total to date – and have completed thousands of reviews using our software. We’re often asked about citing the use of DistillerSR in publications and presentations, so we put together the following guidelines and examples.

If you wish to note the use of DistillerSR in a publication or if you wish to include screen captures of DistillerSR, we suggest using the style outlined in the AMA 11th edition:

Name of Software. Version #. Org/company; Year. Accessed Date [insert access date]. Web address.


DistillerSR. Version 2.35. DistillerSR Inc.; 2023. Accessed May-June 2023.

More Examples:

“Screening and data extraction was completed using DistillerSR (DistillerSR. Version 2.35. DistillerSR Inc.; 2023. Accessed May-June 2023.”

“Forms were created using web-based systematic review software (DistillerSR. Version 2.35. DistillerSR Inc.; 2023. Accessed May-June 2023.”

“Screenshot from DistillerSR (DistillerSR. Version 2.35. DistillerSR Inc.; 2023. Accessed May-June 2023.”

  • Vivian MacAdden

    Vivian MacAdden is DistillerSR's Senior Manager, Industry Marketing - Medical Devices. Throughout her career, she has accumulated 20 years of strategic marketing experience in various industries in Canada and international markets such as Brazil, China, Singapore, Jordan and Japan. A problem solver at heart and forever an optimist (and karaoke lover), she is passionate about telling great stories that make a positive impact on the world.

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