MedTech Event: EU MDR Updates and Evidence Management Best Practices

DistillerSR Slogan Smarter Reviews: Trusted Evidence against Yellow Background
NuVasive Case Study, DistillerSR


NuVasive streamlined literature reviews for more efficient CER submissions with DistillerSR.

Cheetah Running

Geistlich Pharma

Geistlich Pharma completes literature review screening 85% faster than manual methods using DistillerSR.

Philips Medical Device Case Study, DistillerSR, Close up of Speedometer


Philips achieves faster, more accurate literature reviews for CER submissions with DistillerSR.

5 Best Practices to Optimize your Systematic Literature Reviews, DistillerSR

Case Study

Dr. Bonnie H. Weiner describes the way DistillerSR reduced the time it took to complete CER literature reviews by approximately 30%.

5 Best Practices to Optimize your Systematic Literature Reviews, DistillerSR

Case Study

DistillerSR enabled faster, more efficient literature reviews, while improving collaboration amongst a distributed global workforce of medical writers.

NuVasive Case Study, DistillerSR

Abbott Diagnostics

DistillerSR Enabled the Abbott Diagnostics Team to Complete Literature Reviews 50% Faster

Person Rock Climbing

SOTA Webinar Recap

NuVasive and Geistlich Pharma Share Best Practices for EU MDR SOTA Submissions While Achieving More Efficient Literature Reviews with DistillerSR.

PMS Webinar Recap, DistillerSR

PMS Webinar Recap

Johnson & Johnson and Philips on their journey to streamline post-market surveillance literature reviews for EU MDR/IVDR submissions.

The value of dual screeners, blog, DistillerSR

Dual Screening in Your Systematic Review: Is it Worth the Time?

New evidence reinforces the value of dual screening, and why you need a process to mitigate the risk of using only one screener.

5 Best Practices to Optimize your Systematic Literature Reviews, DistillerSR

Market Survey

Industry Survey: Literature Review Automation Adoption Insights and Trends

PMS Brief

Literature Review Best Practices Accelerate EU-MDR Post-Market Surveillance (PMS)

Best-practices that can help streamline processes and ensure compliant EU-MDR literature reviews.

MD Brief Cover

How Literature Review Automation Improves CER and PER Program Management

Automated literature reviews provide greater levels of auditability and program management to CER and PER submissions.

SOTA brief

The Role of Literature Reviews in Establishing State of the Art (SOTA) for EU MDR Compliance

Automation can greatly enhance the success of SOTA literature reviews.

Medical Device Fact Sheet, DistillerSR

Medical Devices Fact Sheet

Used by four of the top five medical device companies in the world, DistillerSR automates the management of CER literature reviews.

Linkedin Live Webinar

Linkedin Live

What the EU MDR Compliance Extension Really means to Medical Device/IVD Manufacturers

Case Study Global CRO, DistillerSR


Automation and Literature Review Software Adoption Driving More Confident Regulatory Submissions

Medical Device Fact Sheet, DistillerSR


MedTech Summit US 2022 Roundtable: Best Practices for Streamlining Literature Reviews for Post-Market Surveillance (PMS)

Linkedin Live Webinar


Literature Review Strategies & Best Practices While Establishing State of the Art for EU MDR Compliance

Case Study Global CRO, DistillerSR


Literature Review Strategies for Post-Market Surveillance – A Best Practices Webinar

Medical Device Fact Sheet, DistillerSR


From Manual to Automated Literature Reviews for CER & PER Submissions: A Faster Path to Compliance

Linkedin Live Webinar


Are You Reg. Ready? Getting Your Medical Affairs Team Primed to Manage New Regulatory Requirements

Case Study Global CRO, DistillerSR


MedTech Intelligence – EU IVDR Innovation in Practice: Clinical Evidence and Surveillance

Watch Webinar
Pharmacovigilance Fact Sheet DistillerSR

Pharmacovigilance Fact Sheet

Learn how PV specialists can use DistillerSR to automate literature surveillance and reporting that’s audit-ready and compliant.

Screenshot of DistillerSR Product Video for Pharmacovigilance


Q&A Blog Post: How Can Automation Support Literature Surveillance for Pharma and Biotechnology?

AI Reprioritization Blog Post DistillerSR


Ian Stefanison, CTO for DistillerSR, answers questions on how AI reprioritization reduces screening times by as much as 80%, according to one study.

Person Rock Climbing


NuVasive and Geistlich Pharma Share Best Practices for EU MDR State of the Art Submissions While Achieving More Efficient Literature Reviews with DistillerSR

Screenshot of DistillerSR Product Video for Pharmacovigilance


Automating Literature Reviews for Pharmacovigilance Animated Video

Watch Video
AI Reprioritization Blog Post DistillerSR


Pharmacovigilance Mistakes Are Not an Option: Literature Reviews and Pharmacovigilance