Abbott Diagnostics Masterclass
Leveraging Automation for Compliant, Audit-Ready Regulatory Submissions
Join Victoria Samonte, Medical Director of Global Medical Operations, Core Diagnostics Division at Abbott for an interactive discussion on her journey with DistillerSR and how it helped her team achieve faster and more accurate literature reviews for PER submissions.
Agenda – June 6 at 9 am CDT
Introduction to Efficient Evidence Management
Marc Dufresne, Senior Vice-President, Strategic Growth at DistillerSR
Achieving faster and more accurate literature reviews for PER submissions – A journey with DistillerSR
- Marc Dufresne, Senior Vice-President, Strategic Growth at DistillerSR
- Victoria Samonte, Medical Director of Global Medical Operations, Core Diagnostics Division at Abbott
Derek Lord, Software Engineer at DistillerSR
- Marc Dufresne, Senior Vice-President, Strategic Growth at DistillerSR
- Victoria Samonte, Medical Director of Global Medical Operations, Core Diagnostics Division at Abbott
- Derek Lord, Software Engineer at DistillerSR
The importance and relevance of systematic literature reviews are highlighted by the MDR/IVDR requirement for extensive and robust clinical evaluations of the performance and safety of products. DistillerSR has helped our teams transition from manual literature screening and reviews to automated processes and smart workflows. Using DistillerSR enabled the development and implementation of streamlined literature review processes, effective work systems, and significant improvement in resource productivity and time efficiency.